Six Key Life Questions Leading to Your Mission

Instruction: Answer Six Key Life Questions & Develop a Mission Statement.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, it is helpful to compartmentalize your life into 3 areas and to set goals for each area: personal, professional and community. To achieve happiness and fulfilment, you must also search deep within and ask important questions. 



  1. What are my natural gifts, talents, strengths and abilities?

  2. What do I enjoy most?  What do I do best? 

  3. What am I passionate about?  What motivates me?  What fascinates me?

  4. Whom do I want to impact?

  5. How can I best contribute to my family and my various communities?

  6. What legacy can I leave whenever and wherever I go? (Legacy is what you live/leave every day and it grows. It’s what people say about you when you leave the room.)


Answering these questions will enable you to develop a personal mission statement that will remind you and inform others of that for which you stand.   

For example, here’s my mission statement: I develop and strengthen leaders, organizations and communities. I devote my life's work to creating access & opportunities, achieving equity and eliminating barriers. 

You can act on your mission everywhere you go, if it is flexible & broad in scope, yet specific in intent. Write your mission, keep it handy, review it, and adjust it. Share your mission with family, friends, and allies, to mutually understand and support each other’s mission and goals. Practice this exercise with others, your family or team!

Alfred Ramirez